10 Reasons Why Richard Feynman was More than Just a Physicist

Sunny Labh
5 min readNov 24, 2022

The name Richard Feynman is hardly new to any keen minds in Physics. There’s no denying that he was one of the quintessential figures in the field of Physics. He not only revolutionized Quantum Mechanics, but he also changed people’s perception of how they view Physics in General. In Quantum Mechanics, his contributions like the formulation of the theory of quantum electrodynamics are a testament to the fact that he was truly a gift that kept on giving. Also, who could forget his lectures? The time and effort he put into his classes spoke for itself and was projected in the way he talked and expressed himself. Here are ten facts about this titan of a persona:

1. His desolate love life

Everyone has a special someone that they’re lucky to be with or the one that they could never have even when many come and go in our lives. Although Feynman was married thrice, his love was reserved for only one, his very first love, Arline. It wasn’t all happily ever after though. Arline suffered from Tuberculosis and doctors said she wasn’t going to live long enough. The illness eventually took her life. Feynman was 27 at that time, alone, shattered, and devastated.

Feynman’s letter to his deceased wife. Image source

2. He was a prolific actor



Sunny Labh

Science writer and communicator majoring in Quantum Mechanics. Curator of @PhysInHistory on twitter. Twitter: @thePiggsBoson