Albert Einstein’s Daily Study Routine

Here’s how the world famous genius spent his days

Sunny Labh
3 min readDec 9, 2022

Albert Einstein was truly a genius in making. Modern approach to the fundamental concepts in physics is possible today, thanks to his contributions before which classical, Newtonian perspective was prevalent in Physics community. Many of his theoretical findings are now being tested experimentally due to advancing technology and have been found to be true such as gravitational waves, which only shows how much ahead of his time this brilliant persona really was. He was a man of discipline and a steady daily routine which kept him occupied throughout the day. A brief look through his schedule might shed some perspective on his extraordinary intellect.

Photo by Maks Key on Unsplash

While studying, Einstein followed Pomodoro technique. The basic idea behind this technique is that rather than studying for hours, it is better to study in intervals and take a short break in between them. This way, we could again focus at the task in hand with a fresh perspective every single time. Also the focus on minimal projects provided him with clarity on the topic of discussion. Rather than focusing on multiple researches at a time, only focusing on the pressing matters allowed him to devote large amount of time and accomplish the goal.



Sunny Labh

Science writer and communicator majoring in Quantum Mechanics. Curator of @PhysInHistory on twitter. Twitter: @thePiggsBoson