The Most Intellectual Physics Memes On the Internet

Sunny Labh
3 min readSep 11, 2022

Memes are a part of modern-day social culture now. Some are really understandable and some go off our heads. Some are total nonsense and some are really thought-provoking. I’m not really a fan of the meme culture but there are certain memes that are very informative and hide a deep meaning behind the humorous representation. In this story, which certainly is slightly different than the rest of my stories here, I shall share some of the most thought-provoking and intellectually informative memes associated primarily with physics and mathematics. Let’s see how many of these you can actually understand. All the following memes have been extracted from Reddit and the sources of each have been mentioned along with the respective images.

The Schrödinger’s cat paradox

Source: u/Master_Tutor5

The quantum complexity

Source: u/fermar7

The matching forces formula

Siource: u/gauravsimha

The entropy game



Sunny Labh

Science writer and communicator majoring in Quantum Mechanics. Curator of @PhysInHistory on twitter. Twitter: @thePiggsBoson